Poincaré Map
Unit Square Map
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θ1(0)= θ2(0)


About: Flows on a Torus

Systems in R2 in which both dimensions are angular, that is, of the form u˙(t)=f(u(t))=f((θ1θ2)), are quite convenient to plot on the surface of a torus. Here, we denote the central angle (ie lying in the xy plane) as θ1, and the tubular angle (ie always rotating about some axis perpendicular to the z-axis) as θ2. Hence, in this way we can embed a two-dimensional system f(u(t)) in R3. This makes it particularly clear, visually, to see how and when periodic orbits develop.

Consider the simple system (θ˙aθ˙b)=(pq), where we have a completely decoupled system that has clear linear solutions. Despite the simplicity, we can still have rather remarkable visuals from this system. In the case that p and q are rationally dependent (that is, pnq where nQ for any n), then we will always have a periodic orbit.

More geometrically, in the case that gcd(p,q)=1 (even if p,q are not integers!) the solutions that arise form a unknot (try turning off the opacity of the torus under display settings to see this more "clearly"). Otherwise, some kind of non-trivial torus knot is formed; more specifically, a (p,q)torus knot (hence the suggestion notation). For instance, given (p,q)=(2,3), we have a trefoil knot.

Now in the case that p,q are rationally independent, then flows on the torus will be quasiperiodic; never quite completing an orbit, but getting "close". These systems form dense orbits on the surface of the torus.

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